SLDM Teachers’ Lab

The Teachers’ Lab is available exclusively to teacher trainees enrolled in the Practicum.

The Teachers’ Lab is restricted, live session offered at select weekend dance events.  There are two formats:

  1. Intensive format (4 hours): The Lab is actually integrated into a public Swing Literacy Intensive. Teachers assist and engage in projects during and after the SLI.
  2. Private format (2-4 hours): like a private lesson, you can complete your Teachers’ Lab solo, or in a small private group.

In the Teachers’ Lab, we will guide trainees as they put the Theory into practice by:

  • physically experiencing drills
  • learning physical manipulation techniques
  • applying sequencing of progressions in basic patterns and variations
  • assessing and troubleshooting live dancers
  • collaborating with other trainees to brainstorm and problem-solve

No two Labs are ever the same. Labs are a great way to get a “tune-up”, get inspiration, or bring your puzzling teaching questions for discussion. Trainees can repeat the Teachers’ Lab as often as they choose, at a 50% discount.

To Book:

The Teachers’ Lab is not an intensive for dancers. For information on hiring us to teach a public Swing Literacy Intensive for the dancers in your area, please visit our Workshops page.

To book us for a private Teachers’ Lab at an event, please contact us directly.
1 person: 2 hours $250/person
2 people: 2 hours $225/person
3 people: 2 hours $200/person
4+ people: 4 hours $180/person

Upcoming Teachers’ Labs at events: