Tag Archives | workshops

The Big Picture: Your WCS Blueprint


It’s hard to see the forest for the trees. When you were a beginner, overwhelmed by this amazing dance, all you knew were your local classes and dances. Slowly, you became more exposed to the big, wide world of West Coast Swing. Between events and competitions and routines and levels, it’s quite daunting to navigate. […]

Evolving Event Standards & Trends

I've been cooking something special just for Event Directors... #wcscoachscorner #evolveordie #worksmarternotharder

As WCS spreads and grows exponentially worldwide and the dance evolves, the landscape of dance events is changing too. There are more dance activities available on the market now, so in an effort to compete for attention and attendees, events have to be innovative and offer more value. The tried and true formula is still […]

Teacher Traps

New dance teachers and veteran teachers alike should constantly monitor and "scan for viruses" in their teaching. Check yourself before you...you know! #growthmindset #makepedagogyapriority #wcscoachscorner

I have no doubt that 99% of teachers are doing the best they can with the resources they have. But the best intentions can backfire due to limited/outdated resources and misconceptions, specifically about pedagogy (the science of teaching). Diligent, humble teachers with a growth mindset constantly check themselves. Be a student of your own teaching […]

Balancing Social Dancing and Socializing

Some practical ideas on how to fill your bucket in the social department. Pass it on - you know you have friends who need this. #wcscoachscorner #sharingiscaring #dancewellness #socialwellness

How do you manage your social wellness with your dance wellness? It’s easy these days to get wrapped up too much in your own training and/or competitive capital – have you paused to take inventory lately of your social/emotional capital? What about the reverse – have you been focusing so much on the party aspect […]