Archive | 2016

Tough Love, Part 2: For Competitors Only

File 2016-07-12, 1 13 20 PM

Last week I released Tough Love: Read at your own Risk (Part 1). You really should read that first, in order to put this article in perspective, and catch the points that are made about aspects of WCS outside of competition. This article is aimed specifically at Competitors. Here’s my disclaimer again: If you are […]

Let’s Get Personal: My Sweeter Side

File 2016-06-29, 9 42 24 PM

Coming out of Sweet Side of Swing, I’m always full of warm fuzzies. I’m reinspired, revitalized, and refreshed. It’s a great way to kick off a new season: bonding with other like-minded, pedagogically invested Pros and creating cathartic epiphanies that in turn serve to bond the community. This event more than any other, puts me […]

How to Dig for Gold: The Untapped Value of Workshops


Does this sound familiar? “Workshops are all the same” “I don’t learn well in workshops” “Workshops are only for beginners” “Workshops are only for serious dancers” “I’ll never retain it all anyway” These are all reasons dancers give for why they can’t/don’t need to attend workshops. They sound valid on the surface, but are actually […]

It’s Not Like Wine


I had a student say to me recently, “I so badly want to take private lessons from a Champion like you. I hope someday soon I will be good enough.” “Pardon?” I queried, confused. “Good enough?” He stared at me with a blank expression, baffled about why I was questioning his apparently obvious reasoning. I […]

The Ultimate WCS Etiquette Checklist


Etiquette is a part of the culture of social dancing that is often taken for granted. We all assume that since we feel like we are doing fine, that others will perceive us the same. Everyone assumes the advice applies to everyone but themselves. You may have heard some of these tips before, but some […]